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STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag: Further Expansion in the U.S.

SESimagotag: Further Expansion in the U.S. SESimagotag, Euronext: SESL, FR0010282822, the global leader in digital solutions for physical commerce, announced new rollout contracts in several retail verticals: convenience stores, grocery retail and home improvement specialty retail. Following the Walmart announcement, the first semester wins will bring the installed base in Nort... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag : Suites données à la publication du rapport de Gotham City - Performance du premier semestre 2023

SESimagotag : Suites données à la publication du rapport de Gotham City – Performance du premier semestre 2023 En complément du communiqué de SESimagotag en date du 26 juin 2023 réfutant fermement les allégations erronées et mensongères du rapport de Gotham City du 22 juin 2023, la Société a demandé à... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag: Actions taken following the Gotham City Report - H1 2023 performance

SESimagotag: Actions taken following the Gotham City Report – H1 2023 performance In addition to the press release issued by SESimagotag on June 26, 2023, emphatically refuting the erroneous and deceitful allegations made in the Gotham City Report published on June 22, 2023, the Company asked its external auditors to conduct a new review of the accounting related to the consolidated revenue... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag: Response to the Gotham City Report

SESimagotag: Response to the Gotham City Report SESimagotag refutes in the strongest possible terms each of the allegations made against it in the report produced by Gotham City Research on Thursday, June 22, 2023, under the title “SESimagotag: The Circular Dance with a Chinese Twirl.” The present document provides factual, precise, and verifiable answers which shed light on the... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag : Approbation de l’ensemble des projets de résolution par l’Assemblée générale mixte du 23 juin

SESimagotag : Approbation de l'ensemble des projets de résolution par l'Assemblée générale mixte du 23 juin Les actionnaires de SESimagotag se sont réunis aujourd'hui, vendredi 23 juin 2023, en Assemblée générale mixte aujourd'hui au siège de la société, au 55 place Nelson Mandela à Nanterre... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag: Adoption of all draft resolutions by the Combined General Meeting of June 23

SESimagotag: Adoption of all draft resolutions by the Combined General Meeting of June 23 The shareholders of SESimagotag gathered today, Friday, June 23, 2023, for the Combined General Meeting of June 23 at the company's headquarters 55 place Nelson Mandela, 92000 Nanterre – France. During the Meeting, the Chairman and CEO of the SESimagotag group, Thierry Gadou, presented the 2022... Lire le communiqué

STORE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (SES) : SES-imagotag Société anonyme au capital de 31.701.616 euros Siège Social : 55 Place Nelson Mandela 92000 Nanterre RCS Nanterre 479 345 464 DROITS DE VOTE

SESimagotag Société anonyme au capital de 31.701.616 euros Siège Social : 55 Place Nelson Mandela 92000 Nanterre RCS Nanterre 479 345 464 DROITS DE VOTE Conformément aux dispositions de l'article L.2338 du Code de commerce, la société informe ses actionnaires que le nombre des droits de vote existants au 21 juin 2023, date retenue pour le cal... Lire le communiqué
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