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[28/02/2023] : Artprice by Five Ways to Dive into Crypto Art and NFTs

When it comes to surfing the internet, we often speak of “falling into a rabbit hole”, an allusion to the first chapter in Lewis Carroll's novel Alice in Wonderland, and the same notion is equally appropriate as regards the sometimes bewildering and unbounded experience in the Web3 and cryptoart sphere. To help you navigate in this virtual world, and at a time when the MoMA... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[28/02/2023] : Artprice by : Cinq façons de plonger dans le crypto-art et les NFT

Dans le milieu, on parle de « tomber dans le trou du lapin » Down the Rabbit Hole : une allusion au roman de Lewis Carroll, Alice au pays des Merveilles, qui traduit l'expérience totale et déroutante du Web3 et du cryptoart. Artprice vous propose cinq façons de découvrir cet art qui se transfert sous la forme de NFT, auquel le MoMA de New York, le LACMA... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[09/02/2023] : reports Q4 2022 revenue growth and a new business model generating additional income from affiliate advertisers, potentially doubling Artprice’s turnover.

After posting good revenue figures for 4Q 2022, we are proud to say that Artprice by Artmarket has got off to a dynamic start to 2023 with January's turnover showing a 17% increase versus the yearearlier period. The figures show that since the start of 2023, has been gaining market share with new customers despite the uncertain economic context stemming from very unpredictable... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[09/02/2023] : : T4 2022 en croissance, changement de paradigme avec des annonceurs payants affiliés permettant à Artprice de doubler potentiellement son CA

Chiffre d'affaires en K€ 4T2022 4T2021 Variation en % Internet 2938 2726 8 % Indices et prestations 80 75 7% Total CA 4ème trimestre 3018 2801 8% Variation des produits... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[02/02/2023] : Assessing the liquidity of artworks with Artprice tools (Part 1 of 2)

The ease with which an artwork can be traded depends on several factors starting with the supply/demand balance for works by the artist who created it and the rarity of the individual piece in question. But, in reality, even a rare masterpiece can turn out to be difficult to sell if there are few collectors able to participate in its auction or if its value is very uncertain. The tools developed... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[02/02/2023] : : Évaluer la liquidité des oeuvres et des artistes avec les outils Artprice (Partie 1/2)

La facilité avec laquelle une œuvre peut être achetée et revendue dépend de l'offre et de la demande pour l'artiste, mais aussi de la rareté de chaque pièce. Ainsi un chefd'œuvre peut se révéler somme toute délicat à céder s'il y a peu de collectionneurs en mesure de participer aux... Lire le communiqué [FR0000074783/PRC]   
[17/01/2023] : the Artprice100(C) index of Blue-chip artists up 3% over 2022 Vs SP 500 -19%

As a salesbased indicator, our Artprice100© index reflects a purely financial approach to art that in no way replaces the nonfinancial relationships between art collectors and artists. In essence, our index reveals the hypothetical financial result you would obtain if you were to invest in the world's topselling artists to benefit financially from their success. Artprice100© vs.... Lire le communiqué
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